Ilie Cioara - Creation is Eternal Freshness
Ilie Cioara - Listening and Watching
Ilie Cioara - Perfectly Conscious
Ilie Cioara - Enlightenment and Describable Knowing
Ilie Cioara - Listening and Watching
Ilie Cioara - Perfectly Conscious
Ilie Cioara - Enlightenment and Describable Knowing

New Ilie Cioara's book Silence of the Mind
WINNER of the INTERNATIONAL BOOK AWARDS 2012 in the Poetry Inspirational category
FINALIST in the INTERNATIONAL BOOK AWARDS 2012 in the Spirituality General category
“This is a major contribution to modern mystical literature. Consider displaying this one with books by Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, Teresa of Avila, Brother Lawrence and St. John of the Cross.” Anna Jedrziewski, Retailing Insight
“Ilie Cioara can be compared to just a few: Rumi, Tolle but he actually is beyond what they have written in his simplicity of explanation and the experience of the poetry puts him in category by himself.”
Lee Petersen, The Way of
Consciousness Radio Show
“This work stands independently of ancient traditions, well known sages, and the current nonduality scene. That is refreshing. This, and Cioara's other works, are among the finest books on nondual consciousness.“ Jerry Katz,
“This work stands independently of ancient traditions, well known sages, and the current nonduality scene. That is refreshing. This, and Cioara's other works, are among the finest books on nondual consciousness.“ Jerry Katz,
“This distinguished author broadly follows the teachings of the great Sage, Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, and also has affinities with Eckhart Tolle and J. Krishnamurti. I would strongly recommend this precious book to all those aspirants who are interested in and working for Self Realisation.”
Alan Jacobs, President
Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK
Article in the Seer Blog
Interview about Ilie Cioara in Yogi Times